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John-Luke Roberts – Crap Comedy Festival hovedbilde

John-Luke Roberts – Crap Comedy Festival

Britiske John-Luke Roberts kommer til Crap Comedy Festival med showet «A World Just Like Our Own, But…», som fikk følgende anmeldelse fra The Telegraph etter hans opptreden på Fringe Festival: «One of the cleverest and most inventive shows on the Fringe.»

Dørene åpner kl. 20:30, show start kl. 21:00.

There’s a world just like our own, but there isn’t a word for sand. There’s a world just like our own, but Edith Piaf regretted five things. There’s a world just like our own, but the keys on pianos are in random order so pianists really have to work for it.

An Edinburgh Festival sell-out hit, John-Luke Roberts presents a show about all the worlds we don’t live in, which is sneakily about the one we do.

★★★★★ «Long on brilliance, high on gags; flawless delivery and creative originality.»

– The List

★★★★ «A one man finger-in-the-dyke against the blandification of comedy»

– The Guardian

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