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IKYA Seminar: Getting What You Truly Want: How to Master the Laws of Manifestation hovedbilde

IKYA Seminar: Getting What You Truly Want: How to Master the Laws of Manifestation

New IKYA seminar!

Join us for this lifechanging seminar on the secrets to a life in abundance and happiness.

You are the only creator in your life. You are expressing your consciousness and spiritual evolution every second, twentyfour hours a day. It never stops. However, most people experience life as something that happens to them. They don’t understand that they are the source, and that everything, down to the last detail, is a reflection of themselves.

It is futile to stand in the warehouse of your own sausage factory and say you hate sausages and that you don’t understand where they all are coming from. If you aren’t happy with what you manufacture in life, then you need to make changes in your ingredients and production process. You need to take full responsibility, learn about your own factory and change what you make. It is that simple. – IKYA

This seminar will unveil the true secrets of manifestation. Your misunderstandings and beliefs will be shattered, giving rise to new insights. You will be able to see your life and your possibilities clearly and understand how to take charge and achieve the results you want. If you feel that you are blocking your own potentials, letting old patterns and karma be in charge of manifestation, this seminar could be the turning point you’ve been waiting for. By applying the principles you learn, your life will be transformed. You chose this life. Make it count!

Prepare yourself for the seminar by meditating and writing down your questions about manifestation, co-creation, abundance and goalsetting.

Your own questions are most likely relevant for others, too. The seminar will be in the form of a dialogue between the attendees and IKYA. As always: Be prepared, be active and have fun!


Practical information

Saturday and Sunday May 6-7 2017

09:00 – 19:00
You will receive an email with detailed program before the seminar.

Media Center, Holmenkollveien 140, 0791 Oslo.

You will find parking close to the Media Center. Just before the Ski jump you will see an area whereparking is available.

Public Transportation:
The media center is located very close to the subway with direct connection to Holmenkollen arena.Timetable and route information for public transport in Oslo can be found at www.ruter.no

Subway line 1 “Frognerseteren” will take you to Holmenkollen from all downtown stations, includingthe station “Jernbanetorget”. The media center is located a 10 minute walk from Holmenkollen station.

Direction from the subway platform Frognerseteren to the media center. (map copied from ruter.no)

Lunch included: Vegan salad with quinoa and wholemeal bread

Tea included: Tea will be served before the program starts in the morning, during lunch Saturday and Sunday, and from 17:00 on Saturday.

Correction. The price for the seminar includes one meal per day. Not two as stated in the flyer. We apologize for the mix up!

Bring with you:
– Pen and paper (IKYA notebooks are available for purchase at the seminar)
– Comfortable clothes.
– Food if you need an exstra meal


 Få det du egentlig vil ha: Hvordan mestre manifestasjonslovene 

Bli med på et livsforvandlende seminar om hemmeligheten til et liv i overflod og glede. 

Du er den eneste skaperen i livet ditt. Du uttrykker din bevissthet og spirituelle utvikling hvert eneste sekund, tjuefire timer i døgnet. Det tar aldri slutt. Samtidig føler de fleste at livet er noe som bare skjer med dem. De forstår ikke at de er selve kjernen, og at alt – ned til hver minste, lille detalj – er en refleksjon av dem selv.

Dette seminaret kommer til å avdekke hemmeligheten bak manifestasjon. Alle dine misforståelser og overbevisninger kommer til å bli knust, idet de gir etter for ny innsikt. Du kommer til å kunne se livet og mulighetene dine klarere, og forstå hvordan du kan ta styringa og oppnå de resultatene du vil ha. Hvis du føler at du står i veien for ditt eget potensial, hvis du lar gamle vaner og karma styre din manifestasjon, så kan dette seminaret være vendepunktet du har ventet på. Ved å applisere prinsippene du lærer, vil livet ditt bli som nytt. Du har valgt dette livet, la det telle!

Forbered deg selv ved å meditere og skrive ned spørsmål du måtte ha angående manifestasjon, overflod og målsetting. Dine spørsmål er høyst sannsynlig svært relevante for andre også. Seminaret vil være i form av en dialog mellom deltakerne og IKYA. Som alltid, kom forberedt, vær aktiv og ha det gøy!

For mer informasjon, se her>>

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