Søk i Aktiv i Oslo

Feldenkraismetoden hovedbilde



Sitting Lively. Sitting on the Earth.

A workshop with David Kaetz and the Feldenkrais method.

Comfortable sitting, in cooperation with gravity – at work or at rest, on a chair, on a cushion, getting up, sitting down, at all ages.

Hint: It’s not just the chair.

The 21st century workplace means long hours sitting at the computer. Your eyes are busy, and so are your hands. But what is going on in the rest of you while you work? Why are so many people suffering from pain in the neck, shoulders, wrists, upper and lower back—not to mention headaches, irritability, and vision and breathing problems? How can you organize yourself to be both comfortable and alert?

David Kaetz offers a playful and experiential workshop to help you find your ease and power, in mind and body, while you are sitting on your bottom. For writers, designers, artists, accountants, bank workers, meditators, musicians, students, teachers, therapists, and pretty much everyone else.

David Kaetz is a Canadian Feldenkrais teacher, leading workshops worldwide on creativity and embodiment.
David Kaetz, a Canadian Feldenkrais teacher and musician, offers workshops on several continents. His specialty is the relationship among the Feldenkrais work, spirituality, and the creative life.

Dato og tid: Lørdag og søndag 23 og 24 november 2013.
Kl. 09.30 – 16.00 lørdag, og kl. 09.30 – 13:50 søndag.

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