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Crafts & Dining hovedbilde

Crafts & Dining


Smelteverket inviterer til en helaften med ølsmaking og mat. Dette blir en kveld med fantastisk mat og drikke til gode priser. Du vil få servert fireretters middag med 4 x 0,2L øl til i perfekt kombinasjon til maten. 

Kjøp billetter her>>

Se hele menyen og les mer om arrangementet under.

Er det noe du lurer på? Ta kontakt via epost: booking@smelteverketoslo.no


Do you love “all-things-hop” and are interested in learning something about them?
Do you like trying new things and opt to get your taste buds excited?
Or do you just like a good night out with great food and beverages at a great price?

Then this is for you:

Smelteverket & Oslo Brewing Co. invite you to the ultimate experience of beer tasting and dining.

With a purchase of a ticket for only 399nok per person, you will get the 4 course meal listed below and 4 x 0,2L beers paired with each dish.

– Pill Pil Prawn Croquetes
Served with greens, smoked paprika and chilli mayonaisse.
Contains: shlellfish, egg, gluten, milk, garlic

– Mini Cuban Sandwich
With pickle onions and cheedar cheese. Served with roasted seasoned corn on the side
Contains: pork, mustard, garlic, milk, gluten from whole wheat, onion

– Gravlax Salmon
Served with black beer bread, housemade pickles and dill sour capuccino
Contains: fish, milk, mustard, gluten from whole wheat, onion

– Texas Potatoes Matinée
Gratinated amandine potatoes baked under our special mix of cheeses and bacon, served with a bravas sauce
Contains: milk, onion, pork

Important Information:
– every ticket includes only the menu above and the beers selected by our knowledgeable staff.
– there are no variations or special requests accepted for the food or the beers. The menu is set.
– This is with ticket purchace only. No drop ins.
– get your ticket here: https://billetto.no/no/events/crafts-dining/tickets
– No refunds after ticket purchace
– for more info: booking@smelteverketoslo.no

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